Woke up in the morning and hurried up off to Ritz Carlton, that's where the bridesgroom is going to take her. Had a light breakfast and it goes with the traditions and stuff. Now i'm hungry. Will be rushing off to get my hair trimmed up, it's a little too long now. Then off for the dinner back in Ritz Carlton again. I'll get more pictures up probably soon. But as for now, i show you the Newly-Wed.

This was at the Church, i'm sorry to say i'm not Christian and i find it a little too traditional and too much of the talks of blessings and the holy songs.

The flower my couz'sis is holding looks like its coming out of the picture!
Congratulations to my cousin sister, BikYew jiejie, and Robin, didn't really introduced him though but it's okay! HAHA!
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