Man, I just love Cyanide and Happiness !
Just watched Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen last night. It was a midnight show, the movie was AWESOME! Loved every scene of it, the bots, the celebrities, especially Megan Fox. Don't know what to say more, its just damn nice okay this movie. Its damn packed even at that hour.. its so exciting that many people were waiting outside, oh, I saw Natalie Fong there too.
The only thing i didn't enjoy was, behind me, a whole row of indians making so much of noise at the beginning... if im not mistaken, their friends were all over the cinema, so they were shouting here and there... i don't mean to be racist but i feel that when they talk, it irritates me for some reason.. no offence though..
One of my friend watched it in a Gold Class Hall, i know about the difference between a normal hall.. the service and stuff.. Will try it once, oneee fineee day!
The movie ended like 2.45am, long queue to pay the parking ticket, going to the exit was jammed up for abit too, but the highways are freakinggg empty! so nice to speed when theres less cars on the roadd.. ended up reaching home about 3.30am.. and i think i went to bed about 4 something... when i had to wake up at 730am.. but woke up at 9am instead.. goodness!
here i am the next day, its 1.35am now... i just can't get enough sleep, i wonder where my energy comes from.. this online addiction is just killing.. addiction as in, whenever i'm home, i'll be facing the computer, its like a drug.. i can't sleep early because i feel that 2am is still early. wtf.
MeganFox is just so my fav. HAHAHAHA....
Good Night peeps!
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