I haven't even started yet..
I wonder who ..
First of all, a car breakdown, i had to change it to the spare tyre. I had everything for me to change, except for one thing, the nut which i couldn't open because 1 out of 4 nuts is damaged and couldn't be gripped and opened with human strength.
Secondly, i fell on my back and luckily, it's just a bump from my ass to a little on my backbone.. yes it aches a little now. It has been ages since i ever fell down, it reminds me of when i was young i always fall and injure myself..

Replica rims are not up to my standard but its what i could afford at the moment. The result of a tubeless tyre, as you can see from the picture above, i drove it for abit to the parking lot, the tyre nearly came off, calling the tow truck would be a waste. Now the spare tyre is still on my car, i have not decided yet what to do with it... probably be changing another new set of rims, i changed two in two years, a couple of thousands in RM or convert my car back to standard ... everything.. because i don't really care much about it.. if i were to be doing that probably i'd be selling of my CF hood as well... hoho... I still have about 2 years and 9 months till i can satisfy myself with the car i really want to own.
I spent about an hour trying to get that one and only nut out but failed. Called asking if some of them if they have some bigger tools, the result was none has any... instead all of them came..
Thank you so much for those help although nothing could be done, I love you all!
And again.
Thank You !
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